Tuesday 11 October 2022

Owl (probably) and robins

 I haven't been out much recently. We've been having some work done on the house (solar panels being fitted), so have been at home a lot. It's cold now, so been using the wood burner quite a lot to try to warm the house up a bit. But, now the solar panels have been done, might try to have the heating on occasionally.

I had to get up at about 3.00 this morning, our cats have decided that now it is colder, they need an extra meal in the early hours. It was very chilly, but I think that I heard an owl hooting ouside, which was quite exciting! I can't be sure, as I was half asleep and may have imagined it. But if it was an owl, then at least it was a tiny benefit of being awake at such a ridiculous time. I was tempted to wake the rest of my family up so they could hear it too, but decided that they probably wouldn't appreciate that.

The robins in the garden are tolerating me being outside now. While I was hanging out the washing this morning, the two of them were taking it in turns to fly over to the bird feeder and watch me for a few seconds, before going to sit under the hedge. I'm not sure if they were curious about what I was doing, or just trying to protect their breakfast. The larger (fluffier?) one of the two seems to be the bravest or most curious, was quite happy to watch me and flutter around nearby. The smaller one seems quite timid and a bit more wary, would not venture out from under the hedge for too long and flew off to hide whenever I moved.

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