I'm changing what I use this blog for, I think. I haven't actually used it at all for ages! Anyway, I want to start writing/blogging again. So, I think this may become more of a nature blog....so I can have a record of some kind of all the nature and wildlife we see now, mainly in our garden.
My son has become quite a keen birdwatcher, which is a lovely hobby to see and enjoy with him. We're seeing a lot of young/baby birds at the moment, along with the odd mouse and shrew, which is quite exciting! We're trying to keep the garden as wildlife-friendly as possible. One of the advantages of living somewhere slightly more rural, is that we get badgers and foxes visiting the garden sometimes. I don't think I will ever get over how amazing it is to see them (usually on a wildlife camera we put outside, but at one point I did actually wake up and watch the badger from my bedroom window).
Unfortunately, I'm not as good at identifying all the different birds and creatures as I'd like to be. I'm trying to learn as we go along. I don't know the names of all the wild flowers yet, and I can't identify birdsong. Hopefully I will be able to do these things, eventually.
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