Monday, 22 June 2020

It's been a while.

I haven't posted anything here for a while, mainly because things have been a bit difficult and I couldn't really think of anything positive to say. I didn't want to write a post that was mainly a big moan about how awful everything is. But then I thought, why does it matter? Sometimes things are difficult, especially in the current situation we are all in. The point is to try to adapt as much as we can and get though it.

Basically, although lockdown has been technically been eased, it hasn't changed much for us as we are shielding. It's starting to get to everyone a bit. We are all stessed, but still trying to homeschool, work, keep on top of housework , shopping etc. and move house (hopefully).

The house move was put on hold as our buyer works for an airline, which means he isn't sure he will still have a job in the next few months. Apparently, he should find out in the next week or so. If he keeps his job, he can still buy our house and we can actually move, so we are currently just waiting around to find out. It's very frustrating, as most of our belongings are packed in boxes, which are piled up around the house. I'm really hoping for a positive outcome! If we can't move, we'll end up staying where we are for at least a couple more years.

My Mum and sister, along with my sister's family, are all moving to Scotland in a couple of weeks. I have seen my Mum twice since March, at a distance. I haven't seen my sister or her family at all since then. We speak on the phone regularly, so that's something. But it's not the same as meeting up for a coffee and a chat like we used to. I probably won't see any of them again before they move. I'm happy for them, but I'm going to miss them. We have vaguely planned to go up to Scotland and see them early next year, but it will very much depend on the situation at the time.

So, that's where we are with everything right now. Hopefully, the next post will be a bit more positive!

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