Friday, 1 May 2020

Difficulties now and things to look forward to

Lockdown is harder than I expected. Sometimes it's fine, I can see why we have to do it and it all makes sense. I can even see some positives about it - more family time, homeschooling, time to read and write, slowing down a bit, no deadlines or rushing around. But, there are other times when all I want to do is have a bit of a cry, because it feels like the end of the world and nothing is certain anymore. I know this is probably (hopefully) normal in these circumstances, and everyone is just trying to get through a day at a time.

I'm trying to write a bit, but sometimes I don't really want to do that...and I can't really think of anything to say that hasn't already been said a thousand times by a thousand other people. Just trying to be vaguely productive sometimes feels like hard work.

As hard as lockdown is, the thought of it being lifted is quite terrifying (to me, anyway). Basically, until we have a proper vaccine, I feel I should stay away from everyone. I suppose that if/when lockdown is lifted (even if it's just partial), we should be able to move to the new house. So that will be good. I'm really looking forward to being somewhere rural...especially in the autumn. Everything always looks more beautiful in the autumn, it's my favourite season.

I am really hoping to still be homeschooling in autumn, we could do some amazing nature-art, look at wildlife, go for long walks etc. I love all that sort of thing. Of course, we could do those things in any season, but they seem more fun in the autumn...I don't know why.

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